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Man pulled gun after Burger King worker wouldn’t accept drugs for payment — then shot at people in parking lot: cops

Man pulled gun after Burger King worker wouldn’t accept drugs for payment — then shot at people in parking lot: cops

Robertson after that discovered a surveillance camera was in the shop and shot at the display before running away. As he ran out of the store, he shot at 2 people in the parking lot, the Arapahoe Area District Lawyer’s Office claimed.

“We consider this 143-year sentence justice for the numerous victims he placed in fear that night. Jurors acknowledged the extent of the criminal activities this defendant dedicated. Our company believe the court enforced a suitable sentence,” Eric Ross, a spokesperson for 18th Judicial Area Lawyer John Kellner, stated Friday.

After pulling the gun on the convenience food employee, that informed police he was terrified he was mosting likely to be eliminated after turning down the baggie of medicines, Robertson strolled into a 7-Eleven nearby and aimed a weapon ahead of the shop staff, the Sentinel Colorado reported.

A witness at the convenience store told authorities there appeared to be “something off” regarding Robertson and that he was “discussing God” and carrying a Scriptures with a purple cover at the time of the incident.

Later on that night, a female that was friends with Robertson called 911 to report that he had actually fired shots after she declined to unlock of her apartment or condo, where she was with a number of individuals, prosecutors stated.

1 Colorado reported
2 fast food worker
3 Sentinel Colorado
4 Sentinel Colorado reported