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academic appointment York City attorney County District Attorney Matthew Perry Angeles County District receive funding Kamala Harris’ Michigan

2024 October

Kamala Harris illustrates how complex identity is − and the pressure many multiracial people feel to put themselves in one ‘box’

Kamala Harris illustrates how complex identity is − and the pressure many multiracial people feel to put themselves in one ‘box’

Dating back to a 1662 Virginia law, the one-drop rule ensured that a single drop of Black blood assigned minority status to mixed-race individuals.

I ate a salad from Costco while pregnant — and then the most terrifying thing happened

I ate a salad from Costco while pregnant — and then the most terrifying thing happened

Kaiser Permanente, the largest private employer in the state, told The Post that they “strive to create an open dialogue with our patients to partner with them on their care” and “remain committed to supporting the health and well-being of every mother and newborn,” including taking their role as mandated reporters “very seriously.”

After a spate of recent stabbings, is knife crime getting worse in Australia?

After a spate of recent stabbings, is knife crime getting worse in Australia?

So even though official police statistics show knife crime is not getting worse across Australia, the fact knives have been used in some high-profile murder cases could partly explain the growing concerns.